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Demonstration Housing
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Demonstration Housing
Displaying possibilities and potentials.
Demonstration Housing (Page Content)

HiP Demonstration Housing provides co-living temporary housing and emergency shelter to people experiencing homelessness. By upgrading dilapidated structures, removing toxic materials, improving natural ventilation to reduce electricity usage, and inserting high-quality new components that could be relocated and reused at future sites, HiP Housing demonstrates the possibility to transform underutilized vacant buildings in the city’s urban centres into quality living spaces

Through partnerships with private and public institutions, locate a vacant residential building in an urban neighborhood for conversion application to the governmental bodies. Create detailed digital and physical surveys for social and environmental design. The approaches, methods, design principles, workflows, and architectural knowledge obtained from these four demonstration units and the pop-up community centre can be quickly applied by urban and architectural practitioners, as well as governors in the future’s renovation/conversion of social housing, so as to benefit larger low-income residents.

HiP Demonstration Housing provides co-living temporary housing and emergency shelter to people experiencing homelessness. By upgrading dilapidated structures, removing toxic materials, improving natural ventilation to reduce electricity usage, and inserting high-quality new components that could be relocated and that could be relocated and reused at future sites, HiP Housing demonstrates the possibility to transform underutilized vacant buildings in the city’s urban centres into quality living spaces.

The space is now under operation and we will be able to provide more accurate information once it’s completed.

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