Useful links and information regarding Hong Kong housing services.

Here you can find governmental services and policies related to Hong Kong housing.
A Summary Note on Lodging Complaints about 'Regulated Tenancies'
Learn about offences targeting ‘Regulated Tenancies’, filling complaint channels and procedures in reference to Landlord and Tenant (Consolidation) Ordinance (Cap. 7) Part IVA.
Daily Tips to Mitigate Virus Transmission for High-Density Living
Self-help Manual with easy improvements of living environment to be applied by residents themselves. Project developed by Urban Ecologies Design Lab at The University of Hong Kong, Faculty of Architecture.
Financial Assistance Programmes under the Community Care Fund
Since its establishment, the Community Care Fund (CCF) has launched 59 assistance programmes covering the medical, education, welfare, home affairs and housing areas for target beneficiary groups, including children, the elderly, persons with disabilities, patients, new arrivals and ethnic minorities. The CCF will continue to consider other programme proposals to provide assistance to the underprivileged and low-income families.
Free Mediation Service Scheme for Building Management
Building management may be complicated and tedious. Owners, tenants, owners' corporations (OCs) and property management companies may have different views on day-to-day building management and maintenance work. Ineffective communication and coordination may lead to disputes or even litigation. In order to assist relevant parties in resolving disputes over building management more promptly and effectively, and to save the cost and time incurred in legal actions, the Home Affairs Department (HAD) launched the“Free Mediation Service Pilot Scheme for Building Management” in collaboration with the Hong Kong Mediation Centre and the Hong Kong Mediation Council since March 2015 for a period of two years. Accredited professional mediators were deployed to assist the parties concerned in resolving disputes through mediation.
Landlord and Tenant
Legal Support in the matters related to Landlord and Tenant, provided by the Law and Technology Centre at The University of Hong Kong.
Public Housing Application
The Hong Kong Housing Authority (HA) maintains an application system to provide eligible applicants with public rental housing (PRH). Visit the website to learn more about the process or download the Application Guide.
Recognizing the Risks of Unauthorized Subdivided Units
Learn about common risks of Unauthorized Subdivided Units in areas of fire and structural safety of the building, environmental hygiene, lighting and ventilation. This brochure helps to understand and report basic Irregularities of Building Works associated with Subdivision of Flat, which can potentially affect wellbeing of residents.
Template for Tenancy Agreement for a Regulated Tenancy
Review the template for Tenancy Agreement and modify for your own use in easy-to-use Word Document format. Please note, this template is for reference only.
Tenancy Matters
Visit the website to read about matters concerning landlords and tenants, tenancies and related issues under LTCO, Landlord and Tenant (Consolidation) Ordinance (Cap. &) administered by RVD, The Rating and Valuation Department. Download the Booklet to further learn about The Landlord and Tenant (Consolidation) (Amendment) Ordinance 2021 which has taken effect on 22 January 2022 to regulate tenancies of subdivided units, so called SDUs.
What you must know about Subdivision of a Flat
Learn about the definition, process and criteria for subdividing flats as outlined by Buildings Department (BD) in order to avoid popular irregularities which can put residents at risk. The guideline provides a base to follow during construction in areas of fire safety, building structure, environmental hygiene, lighting and ventilation, as well an advice on reporting such irregularities.
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